
Mission - For a brighter future

Having been born in this modern age, and in this affluent society, we are truly privileged. By acknowledging this fact, we must strive for a better world. Our mission is to be proactive for a better future.

Law is based on logic, which we believe is one of the strongest “weapons” in this modern society. By using this weapon, we will eradicate outdated ways of thinking, break out of stagnation, and challenge the unchallenged.

We want to not only satisfy our clients’ needs, but also to contribute to society as a whole on a long term basis. We want to be social reformers and effect the change that we want to see in this world.

Passion - For the best service

"Thank you for your passion."

As one of our clients reminded us, passion can be, and is, a part of our service. It can be a source of wisdom and legal solution. We cannot provide the best service to our clients unless we are passionate, considerate and compassionate.

We will always be passionate and positive for our clients.

Integrity - For trust

Honesty, diligence, integrity – these are the traits that the Japanese are famous for worldwide. With these characteristics, we can make good products and provide quality service, or “Omotenashi”.

I want to be considered trustworthy as our Japanese ancestors. We are grateful and proud of our Japanese forefathers and wish to follow them.

We have built a broader network with lawyers worldwide through activities in the IPBA (Inter-Pacific Bar Association) and other associations. By using these networks, I want to show the world that the Japanese are trustworthy.

701 Nagatacho Hoso Bldg.,
TEL 81-3-5797-7723 FAX 81-3-5797-7724
